Top 10 Essential Q&A for ‘Class 10 Science Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases and Salt’ Part – 2

11. How do acids react with metals?

Acids react with certain metals to produce hydrogen gas and a corresponding salt. This reaction is known as an acid-metal reaction and is an example of a single displacement reaction. For instance, when hydrochloric acid (HCl) reacts with zinc (Zn), the reaction can be represented as: Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl₂ + H₂. In this reaction, zinc displaces hydrogen from the acid, resulting in the formation of zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. This gas can be observed as bubbles during the reaction. Not all metals react with acids; typically, reactive metals like magnesium, aluminum, and zinc will react, while noble metals like gold and platinum do not. The reactivity of metals with acids is influenced by their position in the reactivity series. These reactions are essential in various applications, including metal cleaning and etching processes. Understanding acid-metal reactions is crucial for safety and efficacy in laboratory and industrial settings.

12. What are some common acids used in laboratories?

Common acids used in laboratories include hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄), nitric acid (HNO₃), and acetic acid (CH₃COOH). Hydrochloric acid is often used for pH adjustments, cleaning metals, and preparing metal chlorides. Sulfuric acid is a strong acid widely used in various chemical syntheses, as well as in battery production and dehydrating agents. Nitric acid is used in the production of fertilizers, explosives, and dyes, and is known for its oxidizing properties. Acetic acid, found in vinegar, is used in organic synthesis and as a solvent in chemical reactions. These acids are essential for conducting experiments, synthesizing chemicals, and analyzing substances. Laboratory safety is paramount when handling these acids, as they can be corrosive and produce harmful fumes. Proper storage, handling, and disposal of acids are crucial to ensure a safe working environment. Understanding the properties and applications of these acids is essential for students and professionals in scientific fields.

13. How do you identify an unknown solution as acidic or basic?

To identify whether an unknown solution is acidic or basic, various methods can be employed. One common approach is to use pH indicators, which change color based on the solution’s pH level. Litmus paper is a simple and effective tool; it turns red in acidic solutions and blue in basic solutions. Additionally, phenolphthalein can be used, which remains colorless in acidic solutions and turns pink in basic solutions. Another method involves using a pH meter, which provides a precise measurement of the pH level of the solution. This device consists of a probe that measures the voltage difference in the solution, correlating to its pH value. Conductivity tests can also indicate the presence of ions, as acidic solutions typically conduct electricity due to free hydrogen ions, while basic solutions contain hydroxide ions. For more complex analyses, titration can be conducted, where a solution of known concentration is added to the unknown solution until neutralization occurs. Understanding these methods is essential for accurately classifying unknown solutions in laboratory and practical applications.

14. What is the reaction of acids with carbonates?

When acids react with carbonates, they produce carbon dioxide gas, water, and a salt. This reaction is an example of an acid-carbonate reaction and can be represented by the general equation: Acid + Carbonate → Salt + Water + Carbon Dioxide. For instance, when hydrochloric acid (HCl) reacts with calcium carbonate (CaCO₃), the reaction can be shown as: 2HCl + CaCO₃ → CaCl₂ + H₂O + CO₂↑. The production of carbon dioxide is often observed as effervescence or bubbling, indicating that the reaction is taking place. This reaction is important in various applications, including baking, where carbon dioxide helps dough rise. Additionally, this reaction is utilized in antacid tablets, which contain carbonates that neutralize excess stomach acid. Understanding the reaction of acids with carbonates is essential for applications in food chemistry, medicine, and environmental science. It illustrates the behavior of carbonates in acidic environments and their significance in everyday life.

15. What are the effects of acids and bases on litmus paper?

Litmus paper is a common indicator used to test the acidity or basicity of a solution. It is made from natural dyes extracted from lichens and can be found in two forms: red and blue. When red litmus paper is dipped into an alkaline solution, it changes color to blue, indicating a basic (alkaline) nature. Conversely, when blue litmus paper is placed in an acidic solution, it turns red, indicating acidity. If the solution is neutral, there will be no color change in either type of litmus paper. The change in color occurs due to the interaction of the pH of the solution with the chemical structure of the dye. Litmus paper is a quick and simple way to determine whether a solution is acidic, basic, or neutral. However, it does not provide precise pH values; for that, pH meters or more sensitive indicators may be used. Understanding the effects of acids and bases on litmus paper is essential for students and practitioners in chemistry, providing a foundational knowledge of acid-base indicators.

16. How do bases react with acids?

Bases react with acids through a process called neutralization, resulting in the formation of a salt and water. This reaction is characterized by the transfer of protons from the acid to the base. The general reaction can be summarized as: Acid + Base → Salt + Water. For example, when sodium hydroxide (NaOH) reacts with hydrochloric acid (HCl), the products are sodium chloride (NaCl) and water (H₂O). The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H₂O. The reaction between acids and bases is exothermic, meaning it releases energy in the form of heat. This property is useful in many practical applications, such as in the formulation of antacids, which neutralize excess stomach acid. Additionally, this reaction is crucial in industrial processes where pH control is essential for product quality. Understanding how bases react with acids is fundamental for both theoretical and practical chemistry, highlighting the importance of acid-base interactions.

17. What is the significance of salt in our daily life?

Salts play a vital role in our daily lives, influencing various aspects of health, nutrition, and industry. Common table salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl), is essential for maintaining proper bodily functions, including fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. In cooking, salt enhances flavor and preserves food by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Additionally, salts are used in various culinary applications, such as pickling and brining. Beyond culinary uses, salts are essential in industrial processes, including the manufacture of glass, detergents, and chemicals. In agriculture, salts are used in fertilizers to provide essential nutrients to plants. Furthermore, some salts have medicinal properties and are used in pharmaceutical formulations. Understanding the significance of salts extends to environmental contexts, where they affect soil and water quality. Overall, the diverse roles of salts make them indispensable in both personal and societal contexts, highlighting their importance in everyday life.

18. What are the health effects of consuming excess acids and bases?

Consuming excessive amounts of acids and bases can lead to significant health issues. Acidic substances, such as vinegar or citric acid, can cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract if ingested in large quantities. Symptoms may include stomach pain, nausea, and heartburn. Prolonged exposure to acidic foods can also erode tooth enamel, leading to dental problems. On the other hand, consuming excessive bases, such as baking soda or antacids, can result in metabolic alkalosis, a condition where the body’s pH becomes too alkaline. Symptoms of metabolic alkalosis include muscle twitching, hand tremors, and confusion. Moreover, ingestion of strong acids or bases, like hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide, can cause severe chemical burns and damage to the mouth, throat, and stomach. It’s crucial to consume acids and bases in moderation and seek medical attention in case of poisoning or severe irritation. Understanding these health effects emphasizes the importance of responsible consumption of acidic and basic substances in our diet.

19. What is the role of acids in the human body?

Acids play several essential roles in the human body, particularly in digestion and metabolism. One of the most important acids is hydrochloric acid (HCl), which is produced in the stomach. It creates an acidic environment that aids in the digestion of food, activating digestive enzymes and facilitating nutrient absorption. Additionally, the acidic pH helps kill harmful bacteria and pathogens that may be ingested with food. Other acids, such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and citric acid, are vital for various metabolic processes and antioxidant protection. Fatty acids are also crucial for energy production and are involved in cell membrane structure. The body maintains a delicate acid-base balance to ensure proper physiological functions; this balance is crucial for maintaining homeostasis. The kidneys and lungs help regulate this balance, excreting excess acids or bases as needed. Understanding the role of acids in the body underscores their importance in health and nutrition, emphasizing the need for a balanced diet.

20. What are some industrial uses of acids and bases?

Acids and bases have a wide range of industrial applications across various sectors. Sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) is one of the most produced chemicals globally and is crucial in the manufacture of fertilizers, detergents, and batteries. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is used in metal processing, cleaning agents, and pH regulation. Nitric acid (HNO₃) is important in the production of explosives, fertilizers, and dyes. Bases like sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are widely used in the production of soap, paper, and textiles, as well as in water treatment processes. Additionally, ammonia, a basic compound, is utilized in the production of fertilizers and cleaning products. The food industry uses acids like acetic acid for food preservation and flavoring. In pharmaceuticals, acids and bases are involved in the synthesis of various medications. Understanding the industrial uses of acids and bases is essential for students and professionals in chemistry, emphasizing their significance in economic and technological advancements.

Read Also: Top 10 Essential Q&A for ‘Class 10 Science Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases and Salt’ Part – 1

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